Featuring work by Colin Winnette, David Snyder, KJ, Russ Woods, Brandi Wells, Peter Davis, Peter Schwartz, Edward Mullany, Diana Salier, Robert Duncan Gray, Joseph Goosey, Zach Arnett, Rose Hunter, Matt Rowan, and KMA Sullivan.

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What Layne Is Stoked About

Book-to-Movie Adaptations:  There are two I’m frothing at the mouth about:  The Hunger Games and The Hobbit.  First, The Hobbit, duh.  Read that + LOTR when I was twelve and hooooo boy.  Second The Hunger Games.  Here’s the thing:  I grew up on/am still growing up on unconventional YA fantasy; Philip Pullman and Madeleine L’Engle rocked my world in early teenagerhood.  What I’d heard about The Hunger Games made it seem like it’d be comparably appealing – and it was.  Past the first book, though, it’s apparent that Suzanne Collins is terrific at moving forward an engrossing plot, but isn’t as able to 1) expand and develop setting details and 2) engage with philosophical issues directly relevant to her story as authors like Pullman and L’Engle, who’ve pulled off both with flying colors in their best-loved YA works.  Anyway, I’m interested to see what Collins’ world will look like onscreen and to cheer on Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen as she shoots a bow and protects the people she loves like a total badass.

Books That Aren’t New But I Haven’t Read Yet And Therefore Am Looking Forward to Reading:  Design With X by Dean Young.  The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer.  Not Merely Because of the Unknown That Was Stalking Toward Them by Jenny Boully.  If I Falter at the Gallows by Edward Mullany.  Ayiti by Roxane Gay.  The Pajamaist by Matthew Zapruder.

Albums:  Why? is supposed to release their fifth album this year but info’s scarce.  Same deal for Sigur Ros.  I can’t think of other new things coming out at this second.  You should probably tell me a couple.

Events With Words:  The Big Big Mess reading tomorrow I’m doing with Tyler, Nate Slawson, and Christopher “ARMS” Newgent has me climbing the walls with positive feelings.  I can’t wait to pet Nick Sturm’s cat beforehand for good karma.  I can’t wait to yell things at people.  Also, mothafuckin’ AWP, which will be OH MY GOODNESS,  which will be my first time going, which will be YES and GOD CHICAGO BLOWS IN FEBRUARY but still YES.